Pat McManus’ New Music Release for Rock In Prevention – Rock Digi!

All the songs that you’ve known and loved through the Rock In Prevention live programs, the Rock PLUS program, and the online curriculum, Rock Digi, have been created by Pat McManus.

Pat has been writing music since the mid 1980s and still continues to actively write more music to help teach kids the skills to be successful and accomplish their goals. Many of the messages behind Pat’s music have been about mental health, social and emotional skills, substance abuse prevention, empathy, accepting others, and more.


Pat’s most recent release, “Loving Living Learning,” includes songs about mindfulness, recovery, and learning and growing throughout life. This album has an uplifting vibe and encourages the listener to reflect and practice mindfulness.


Over the next few months, Pat plans to release two more albums as well as curated playlists that would be perfect for listening to in the classroom.


To go along with these new album releases, Rock In Prevention also plans to interview Pat every week where Pat will discuss the messages behind each new song through our social media series, “Music Mondays.”


Our “Music Mondays” series gets posted to all of Rock In Prevention-Rock Digi’s social media platforms every Monday. “Music Mondays” includes a short 3–4-minute interview with Pat about the song, and then we also release the lyric music video for the song that is being highlighted that week – so expect to be seeing a ton of new music videos over the next few months!


These music videos are similar to the ones that are used in each of Rock Digi’s online lessons, and gives you a sneak peek into how Rock Digi uses music in the program.


We are so excited for you to listen to Pat McManus’ new music! We promise they will put a smile on your face and encourage you to continue to be “loving, living, and learning.”


Music Mondays: Loving Living Learning

In this video, Pat explains the message behind the song and how it was created.


Lyric Music Video for the Song: Loving Living Learning


All of Pat McManus’ music can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and any other streaming service that you might use.

 Listen on Spotify

Listen on Apple Music

Listen on YouTube


You can find Pat McManus’ entire discography by searching “Pat McManus” on different streaming services.


Rock Digi creates playlists using Pat McManus’ songs on Spotify – and you can find those playlists by searching for “Rock Digi” in Spotify.

Listen to Rock Digi Spotify Playlists